



The Power of Thought, the Light of Ideals. The “KingLead Global Leading Principals” series aims to discover leading principals worldwide. Lead the development of the industry with the ideological power of leading principals. Ignite the passion with the belief of leading principals and cultivating more innovative talents. Promote social progress and promote human development!

Time flies, but human thoughts are immortal. Things change, but ideals remain forever.


Following is an exclusive interview withDu Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School.











































































I. Keep Improving

Decades of Deep Development in the Educational Industry

KingLead: How did you become involved in international education? What made you choose Suzhou Foreign Language School?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:My only profession is as a teacher. I studied teacher-training at university. After graduating, I was relatively lucky to work in a very good public school and gained a lot of growth. Later, under the environment of reform and opening-up, I had the opportunity to enter private schools and international schools and learn about education in different regions and countries. All of these experiences have been a treasure for me and have enabled me to gain a greater understanding of the industry of education.

I used to regard teaching as a profession only, but with my internship work, I slowly fell in love with teaching and educating people. I think teaching is a very meaningful thing and I am constantly learning and exploring the process of teaching. During the forty years of reform and opening-up, based on the general environment of the era and my personal experience, my role has changed from an educated person to an educator. My experience and accumulation in the field of education are also gradually settling down: as I gradually understand public schools, private schools, the central region, the eastern region, the whole country, and global education, I have formed my educational thinking.

KingLead: Can you share your understanding of international education?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:I am a practitioner in the field of education. Whether starting from front-line teaching or school management, I’m a practitioner and I come up with very real ideas. We don’t do the most foreign international service at Suzhou Foreign Language School, but we must do the most down-to-earth service, which condenses my understanding of international education. I used to be a front-line teacher and I know very well where the pain points of student learning are in teaching. I have added a lot of my thinking and exploration to my practice, and I have slowly developed the idea of “making the most down-to-earth service”.

Our initial aim in international education is to better understand Eastern and Western education so that we can complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Education is evolving with the times, and both domestic education and international education have their strengths and characteristics, so we learn from what is good and exert and inherit our strengths. It is difficult to judge any education form in terms of whether it is absolutely good or bad, but we should look at it in a dialectical way.

KingLead: What qualities and abilities do you think a good international school headmaster should have?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:As a headmaster of an international school, you must first have a clear orientation, including the orientation of the school and the orientation of yourself.

Secondly, one must have a sense of mission, long-term goals and strategic determination. I have been sharing with my colleagues that what we are doing is a great thing and that all our efforts are contributing wisdom to China’s education ecology.

From a personal point of view, I believe that the headmaster of an international school should have a deep understanding of education in both East and West. And the headmaster should have a depth of thought, a thickness of practice, a breadth of mind and a pragmatic attitude.

KingLead: In your opinion, what is your greatest achievement leading the school as a headmaster?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:The development of any school or industry is the cumulative result of a large number of wise men. As an individual, all I can say about my place in history is that I hope to contribute my wisdom and strength to the development of Suzhou Foreign Language School as far as possible. I also hope to be able to contribute to the development of education in China through the development of Suzhou Foreign Language School.

II. Keep Pace with the Times

Be the Leader who Seize the Momentum

KingLead: Can you share some of your suggestions and experiences in school management?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:We have done a lot of exploring in the process and have gradually precipitated some practices which have gradually developed into management ideas.

Whatever you do, persistence is important. Persistence is a manifestation of self-confidence, and self-confidence needs self-assurance, which comes from professionalism. If you have a professional understanding of education, you can have the confidence to manage the school. Whether you are dealing with domestic or foreign teachers, your dialogue with them should base on equality, and you need to be professional enough to convince them and unify their minds and make them move forward with the goal of unified management. Professionalism is the foundation, and only with professionalism will we have the confidence to keep exploring and become more confident.

Our foreign teachers come from all over the world and the number remains at around 60 every year. Our Chinese teachers come from all over the country, and some of them have overseas backgrounds. All of our teachers come together in one school and work together towards one development goal.

We have four “confidence” in the school: mechanism confidence, curriculum confidence, management confidence and culture confidence.

Firstly, mechanism confidence:

We are a private school with a relatively flexible mechanism. Here, we have more possibilities to realize our educational dreams. This flexible mechanism also provides more diversified possibilities for the children’s growth.

Secondly, curriculum confidence:

Our national curriculum system is very effective and scientific and it has been developed for many years. On this basis, We delve into the Western curriculum and put the strengths and ideas of the Western curriculum into our curriculum. This approach has allowed us to organically integrate our school-based curriculum with the national curriculum, and I have always asked our teachers to conduct in-depth research and study for different curricula.

Thirdly, management confidence:

Management confidence stems from self-confidence and the confidence we have accumulated during the development of the school.

Finally, cultural confidence:

Management confidence drives cultural confidence. Every school has a campus culture. Quality is the root and culture is the soul because a school without quality teaching and learning will not go far; without culture, it will not go far. Cultural confidence is the foothold of all confidence.

KingLead: As a headmaster with extensive teaching experience, what qualities do you value in teacher team building? What specific measures have you taken to improve teachers’ abilities and the quality of teaching and research?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:In terms of teacher evaluation and appointment, I have several considerations:

Firstly, attitude.Is he curious? What is his ambition and mindset? How is his understanding of education and professional determination? Attitude determines everything.

Second, ability.Attitude alone is not enough, but also ability, including professional ability, learning ability and communication ability. Communication skills are very important to teachers; professional skills bring confidence. Learning ability is the most important, so what I ask teachers is that I want each of them to be fast learners and deep learners. In the ever-changing development landscape, without the ability to learn, you could fall behind. And, when we ask our teachers to keep working hard and improving, they will drive their students to learn and work hard so that parents can see that Suzhou Foreign Language School is a different kind of school.

The growth of teachers cannot be achieved without the progress of the team.Whether it is the platform of the teaching and research team, the school or the social resources, personal growth must be built on the platform. How to build a platform and how to carry out teaching and research activities are both formal issues that ultimately end up in how to internalise a teacher’s motivation to learn.

Many teachers participate in open classes, pilot classes, demonstration classes, and domestic and international pieces of training and other activities, but I believe that the real driving force lies in themselves, and the real foothold is to internalise it into their growth systems. Because the training relies on the ideas of others, how much can be learned and how much can be internalised depends on how much information is received. It is only when you have your accumulation first, and then based on that, you get inspiration from other people’s ideas or practices, finally you can open up your mind.

KingLead: What kind of competitiveness do you think international schools need to have to develop well in the future?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:Every school is looking for ways to improve its competitiveness. The most obvious sign of competitiveness is the school’s social recognition, and this is not reflected in the number of awards it has won or the number of commendations it has received from leaders. The competitiveness of Suzhou Foreign Language School is that when people in Suzhou mention their children’s schooling, they think of Suzhou Foreign Language School as a famous school and the best school.

More deeply, in terms of school management, I believe that a school’s competitiveness stems from its strengths, and strengths mean that a school has its own goals. The goal of Suzhou Foreign Language School is to set an example for Jiangsu, lead the country and talk to the world. To achieve this goal, the wisdom to follow the trend, the courage to explore and innovate, and the scientific and pragmatic attitude are all necessary. In the wisdom of following the trend, the school’s political position, training orientation and development direction are all fundamental points.

KingLead: What are the school’s specific measures in terms of research, leadership, and language development? What are your plans for the future?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:Our development goal is very clear: as a private school, we aim to become a renowned century-old institution. To achieve this goal, we have developed three major strategies: a high-quality development strategy, a digital development strategy, and a multilingual development strategy.

High-Quality Development Strategy

As a K-12 school, we have a natural advantage in innovative talent development due to the flexibility of our mechanisms. We provide support at the level of ability, thinking ability, and logical reasoning that our students demonstrate. By establishing such a mechanism, we can provide a great boost to students who demonstrate exceptional development.

Meanwhile, high-quality development is not only for the top students, we have high-quality requirements for the overall level of education and teaching.

Digital Development Strategy

Comrade Deng Xiaoping once proposed three “orientations”: orientation towards modernization, orientation towards the world, and orientation towards the future. For a senior educator, these three orientations will never become outdated. For instance, orientation towards modernization means keeping up with the times and introducing the latest educational technology achievements into education and teaching. Orientation towards the world and the future means that we need to cultivate children who are open to the world and the future.

Multilingual Development Strategy

Since last year, we have implemented a mechanism that allows children to choose a second foreign language from the first grade. There are four languages available for them to choose from: German, French, Spanish, and Japanese. Such a teaching mechanism is rare in this country. With the continuous development of the Belt and Road Initiative, the demand for multilingual talent in this country is increasing. At our school, students have the opportunity to learn multiple languages starting from the first grade, and after twelve years of multilingual learning from primary school to high school, we will cultivate a large number of linguistically skilled multilingual talents for our country.

KingLead: How does the school balance the development of the subject education and the comprehensive development of students?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:Our approach is to promote academic ability through the improvement of students’ competence.

Nowadays, a common phenomenon in society is the rush for success, and utilitarianism and anxiety are very serious. Parents are hoping their children can get into top universities like Tsinghua or Peking University, or achieve first place in their classes. However, this logic is flawed. Having goals is good, but if one only focuses on the goals, it is difficult to get things done. Haste makes waste. If a child wants to get into Peking University, s/he has to attend Gaokao and take part in competitions. But it is obviously not a feasible approach starting from the first grade. We often talk about being scientific and pragmatic. Education has its own rules and requires a practical approach. education is a long-term process that can’t seek quick success.

In terms of student development, our approach at Suzhou Foreign Language School is not solely focused on grades, but more on the improvement of students’ competence. This can be seen in our practice, as we organize many activities that occupy much of students’ time, yet our academic performance still ranks at the top in Suzhou. This result proves our approach.

Education is not only the responsibility of schools, family education is also crucial for students.When recruiting students, we have a saying around family and school: “Same philosophy, Same culture, Cooperation between home and school”. We believe that only with this cooperation can we achieve the greatest educational synergy.

One issue in Chinese education today is family education. Many young parents have no experience in education, which means that schools not only need to guide students but also need to guide parents. Teachers need to guide parents based on their expertise, as a lack of expertise can lead to many problems and conflicts in their communication with parents. Additionally, many parents at Suzhou Foreign Language School have a strong educational background, being social elites and managers in various fields, and their education level can even surpass that of our teachers. Therefore, the more we practice, the more we realize the importance of communication and dialogue with parents, and the higher the level of professionalism required of our teachers.

There are rules to education and there are rules to human growth. Personal success does not mean the rules of education. Therefore, many highly educated families may not have a deep understanding of education. To guide parents, we have set up various communication channels, such as Family Education Salons and Parent Forum, so that parents know what the school is doing and what they should do, as well as making parents feel reassured about sending their children to our school.

III. Encourage Innovation

Cultivate New Generation Who Have Pioneering Spirit

KingLead: How does the school create an innovative atmosphere for students?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:There are many discussions about innovation, and everyone’s understanding of innovation is different. My understanding is simple: innovation is doing what you normally do well, and doing it better. This is exploring innovation.

I have put forward a trilogy of doing things in the process of doing everything:rehearsing beforehand, feedback coordination during the process, reflecting, and summarizing afterward. Doing everything according to this trilogy will lead to progress, more exploration, and innovation.

KingLead: How does the school develop students’ capacity for innovation?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:The cultivation of students’ innovation ability is our ultimate goal. Whether it is the innovative exploration of school management or the innovative growth of teachers, the ultimate goal is to cultivate students’ innovation abilities. The cultivation of students’ innovation ability is embedded in all aspects of education. Innovation emerges when students feel safe and won’t be blamed or suppressed for having surprising ideas or innovative thoughts. This sense of security is the soil for innovation.

Regarding the relationship between teachers and students, there is a classic statement that I agree with: students are the main body, and teachers are the backup, the student should be the center of attention. In this way, students are the true beneficiaries of education, and the role of teachers is to encourage and stimulate their curiosity and desire for exploration. Curiosity and the desire for exploration are innate, so it is important for teachers to protect students’ curiosity and provide them with an environment, soil, encouragement, and safety. In the process of teaching, teachers can encourage students to think more, understand the world more, and generate more ideas.

KingLead: Entering an era of rapid development of artificial intelligence, what impact do you think it will have on education or students? How do you and your team plan to respond?

Du Shaowu, Party Secretary General of Suzhou Foreign Language School:Artificial intelligence is a result of the trend of the times. I have always emphasized that education should keep pace with the times. The main function of education is to cultivate people, and the challenge posed by artificial intelligence to educators is to cultivate what kind of people, and what kind of abilities they should possess. Among the factors of production, humans are the most active and dynamic because they have thoughts, the ability to think, and the ability to make breakthroughs and innovations in their thinking.

The topic of our discussion should not be “whether machines can replace humans”, but rather “what are the advantages of humans?”.I have always believed that it is not the correct direction for humans to choose to give up learning just because machines surpass humans in knowledge databases. The progress of machines can be created, whether machines can surpass humans, what kind of people they can surpass, and what impact they will have on human life at what stage, are topics that need to be proven over time.

In conclusion, as an educator, I believe that cultivating students’ innovative and critical thinking abilities is an eternal topic.

The development of anything cannot be separated from the efforts of countless smart people. Principal Du Shaowu, like countless dedicated educators, has a long-term vision and a down-to-earth attitude. He nurtures the overall development of the school with his personal contribution. These educators not only see the future of countless students but also the future of China’s education. It is believed that with their efforts, schools in China will embrace a better development, and China’s education will move towards a more brilliant future.








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