

《克莱德曼的问候》(Clyderman’s Greeting)MV

克莱德曼的问候(Clyderman’s Greeting) 专辑介绍:

《克莱德曼的问候》是为了向法国钢琴表演艺术家 Richard Clayderman 致敬的一首新世纪轻音乐作品,由中国青年作曲家、音乐制作人秦凯龙作曲与编曲,中央音乐学院-北京国际电子音乐节组委会选送推出,发行公司:星力量(北京)国际文化传媒有限公司、海外(法国发行公司:deezer)。


克莱德曼的问候(Clyderman’s Greeting)五线谱

(Clyderman’s Greeting)



Clyderman’s Greeting

Analysis of the composition:The piano music uses three intervals of 2+3+4 to form the core motive, and incorporatesvariation thinking for progressions. It maintains a high degree of unity of the whole material by means of repetition, pitch shift and other techniques in the process of progressions, and also has a sense of acoustic freshness and variation, injecting the composer’s self-understanding in the structure of a piece. The music is in light music style, using an electro-acoustic band for accompaniment. The music is fresh, elegant and energetic, attracting a large number of light music lovers to listen. The music is promoted by Central Conservatory of Music and Beijing International Electronic Music Festival Organizing Committee, and produced by Beijing Musicians Association.(译:张建国 郝志明)




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